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Published on April 23rd, 2024

The benefits of master key systems

Keyed alike systems.

The benefits of master key systems for landlords and property managers

Managing multiple properties can certainly be a challenging job, requiring efficient solutions to keep things running smoothly and ensure the safety of your tenants. That's where master key systems come in. They're increasingly popular among property managers and landlords, and for good reason. These systems offer a range of benefits that can really simplify your workload and bolster security. 

Enhanced Convenience and Accessibility
With a master key system in place, property managers and landlords can access all units and common areas using a single master key, eliminating the need to carry a large set of keys or fumble with multiple locks. This streamlines tasks such as property inspections, maintenance, and emergency access, saving time and hassle for property managers and maintenance staff.

Improved Security and Control
Master key systems offer improved security and control over access to individual units and common areas within a property. With a master key system, property managers can assign unique keys to tenants that only grant access to their specific unit, while retaining a master key that provides access to all units and common areas. This allows property managers to restrict access to unauthorised individuals and monitor who enters and exits the property, enhancing overall security and peace of mind for both tenants and property owners.

Key Hierarchy and Customisation
Master key systems are highly customisable, allowing property managers to create a hierarchical key structure that aligns with their specific needs and preferences. Property managers can assign different levels of access to different individuals, such as maintenance staff, cleaning crews, and property managers, based on their roles and responsibilities. This ensures that each individual has access only to the areas they need to perform their duties, while maintaining strict control over who can access sensitive areas such as storage or utility rooms.

Reduced Key Management Complexity
Managing a large number of keys for multiple properties can be a logistical challenge for property managers and landlords. Master key systems help simplify key management by reducing the number of keys required and providing a centralised system for tracking and controlling access. Property managers can easily add or remove keys from the system as needed, without the need to rekey locks or replace hardware, saving time and money in the long run.

A Cost-Effective Solution
By eliminating the need for multiple keys and reducing the risk of lost or stolen keys, master key systems can help minimise expenses associated with rekeying locks and replacing lost keys. Additionally, master key systems offer long-term value by improving security, enhancing convenience, and streamlining property management tasks, ultimately leading to cost savings over time.

Want to find out more?
Master key systems can simplify your key management, improve control and convenience, enhance security and save you money. Lock Stock specialise in the supply and installation of  master key systems including Keyed Alike. Call the team on 01406 709089 or email us to find the right master key solution for you and your business.